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IPCCC ICD-11 Congenital Heart Atlas

You are here: Outlet muscular ventricular septal defect with anteriorly malaligned outlet septum Outlet ventricular septal defect with anteriorly malaligned outlet septum Outlet ventricular septal defect Ventricular septal defect Congenital anomaly of ventricular septum Congenital anomaly of a ventricle or the ventricular septum Structural developmental anomaly of heart or great vessels

IPCCC Term Outlet muscular ventricular septal defect with anteriorly malaligned outlet septum
IPCCC Code 07.11.15
ICD-11 MMS LA88.4Y
ICD-11 Code 391701468


A congenital cardiac malformation in which there is an outlet ventricular septal defect with exclusively muscular borders, and the muscular outlet septum is malaligned in an antero-cranial fashion with respect to the trabecular muscular septum such that there is overriding of the arterial valve supported predominantly by the left ventricle.


Muscular ventricular septal defect opening into right ventricular outlet with anterior malalignment of outlet septum, Muscular outlet ventricular septal defect "Fallot type"; Muscular outlet ventricular septal defect with anteriorly malaligned outlet septum

STS-EACTS-derived IPCCC term

VSD, Type 1 (Subarterial) (Supracristal) (Conal septal defect) (Infundibular), Outlet muscular ventricular septal defect with anteriorly malaligned outlet septum

EPCC-derived IPCCC term

Outlet muscular ventricular septal defect (VSD) with anteriorly malaligned outlet septum

ICD-11 MMS code or crossmap

LA88.4Y*: This ICD-11 Foundation term is not in ICD-11MMS. If using ICD-11MMS to code for this term, crossmap to the higher order term “Other specified ventricular septal defect” with code LA88.4Y

ICD-10 MMS code or crossmap

Q21.0**: This term is not in ICD-10. If coding using ICD-10, use the higher order term “Ventricular septal defect” with code Q21.0


Outlet ventricular septal defect with anteriorly malaligned outlet septum


Coding Notes


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