06.01.05 Overriding tricuspid valve


IPCCC Code 06.01.05


Synonyms PENDING

Abbreviations PENDING

IPCCC Definition A congenital cardiac malformation in which the tricuspid valve annulus lies in part above both the right and left ventricles.

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[su_carousel source=”media: 5373,5374″ limit=”27″ width=”460″ height=”510″ responsive=”no” items=”1″ title=”no” centered=”no” mousewheel=”no” autoplay=”0″] Image #1 the right atrium and ventricle are opened in clam-shell fashion and are viewed anteriorly. The right atrioventricular junction is shown with a perimembranous ventricular septal defect beneath the septal leaflet of the tricuspid valve (red dots). The defect essentially divides the septal leaflet with the portion adjacent to the hinge point of the valve overriding the ventricular septum. Image #2 is a posterior view of the left ventriculo-arterial junction and demonstrates the overriding tricuspid valve with a portion of the tricuspid valve annulus lying in part above the left ventricle. Note that there are no tendinous cords supporting the tricuspid valve within the left ventricle.

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