03.01.03 – Total mirror imagery


IPCCC Code 03.01.03


Synonyms PENDING

Abbreviations PENDING

IPCCC Definition A congenital malformation in which there is complete mirror-imaged arrangement of the internal organs along the left-right axis of the body.

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03-01-03 This is an anterior view of the organs as they lie in the body. There is complete mirror-imaged arrangement of the internal organs along the left-right axis of the body. The superior and inferior caval veins are left-sided and the brachiocephalic vein extends to the right. The apex of the heart points toward the right with its largest part contained within the right hemithorax. The spleen is on the right and the larger lobe of the liver is on the left. The appendix is within the left upper quadrant of the abdomen.

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