Images & Codes 


Archiving Working Group

International Society for Nomenclature of

Paediatric and Congenital Heart Disease




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IPCCC Code: 04.01.03, 04.01.26, 04.05.01


AEPC Derived Term:    

Bilateral superior caval veins (SVC) (04.01.03)
Left superior caval vein (SVC) persisting to coronary sinus to right-sided atrium (04.01.26)
Absent bridging (innominate) vein (04.05.01)


EACTS-STS Derived Term:    

Systemic venous anomaly, SVC, Bilateral SVC, LSVC to CS (intact) to right-sided atrium (04.01.03, 04.01.26)
Systemic venous anomaly, SVC, Bilateral SVC, Innominate absent (04.01.03, 04.05.01)


ICD10 Derived Term:    

Other congenital malformations of great veins (Q26.8)
Persistent left superior vena cava (Q26.1)


Definition:  NA

Common Synonyms: NA






Modality: Anatomic specimen

Orientation: Anterior right atrial view

Description: The anterior wall of this morphologically right atrium has been reflected to show the atrial septum in anatomic position. The atrial septum, including the oval fossa (OF) is intact and the opening of the coronary sinus (CS) into the right atrium is dilated. This dilatation is secondary to a persistent left superior caval vein draining to it. (RSCV-superior caval vein, RAA-right atrial appendage, TV-tricuspid valve, PVV-pulmonary vein).

Contributor: Diane Spicer, BS

Institution: The Congenital Heart Institute of Florida (CHIF)

Image Label: A040103-33a

Source of ImageVan Mierop Archive, University of Florida, Gainesville, Florida

Image Certification: 10 May 2014

AWG Rating:





Modality: Anatomic specimen

Orientation: Posterior view

Description: This posterior view of the heart pictured in image one demonstrates the persistent left superior caval vein (LSCV) extending into the coronary sinus (CS) (red dots) over the posterior aspect of the left atrium. The pulmonary veins (PVV) drain to the left atrium in the usual fashion, just to the right of the persistent left superior caval vein. (PAD-patent arterial duct, DAo-descending aorta, LAA-left atrial appendage, RSCV-right superior caval vein).

Contributor: Diane Spicer, BS

Institution: The Congenital Heart Institute of Florida (CHIF)

Image Label: A040103-33b

Source of ImageVan Mierop Archive, University of Florida, Gainesville, Florida

Image Certification: 10 May 2014

AWG Rating:





Modality: Anatomic specimen

Orientation: Anterior view

Description: The anterior, anatomic view of a different heart in a fetus at 16 weeks gestation demonstrates absence of the brachiocephalic (innominate) vein with an otherwise normal superior caval vein (RSCV) on the right and a persistent left superior caval vein (LSCV) on the left. The position of the aorta (A) is slightly anterior and to the right. The great vessels branch normally from the aortic arch. (PT- pulmonary trunk, RAA-right atrial appendage, T-trachea).

Contributor: Diane Spicer, BS

Institution: The Congenital Heart Institute of Florida (CHIF)

Image Label: A040103-33c

Source of Image: The Congenital Heart Institute of Florida (CHIF)

Image Certification: 10 May 2014

AWG Rating:




Modality: Anatomic specimen

Orientation: Posterior view

Description: This image is from another heart that is viewed posteriorly in anatomic position and is parafinized. The walls of the left atrium (LA) and the persistent left superior caval vein (LSCV) have been dissected away to illustrate that the two structures are totally separate from one another. The persistent left superior caval vein connects to the coronary sinus which extends along the posterior wall of the left atrium to the crux of the heart. The opening orifice of the coronary sinus is dilated. The patent oval foramen (POF) is visualized within the left atrial cavity and the pulmonary veins (PVV) drain to the left atrium in the usual fashion. (LAA-left atrial appendage, RSCV-superior caval vein, ICV-inferior caval vein, PVV-pulmonary veins)
Contributor: Diane Spicer, BS

Institution: The Congenital Heart Institute of Florida (CHIF)

Image Label: A040103-33d

Source of Image: Children's Hospital Colorado, Aurora, Colorado

Image Certification: 10 May 2014

AWG Rating:



AWG Certification: 10 May 2014

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