Images & Codes


Archiving Working Group

International Society of Nomenclatures for

Paediatric and Congenital Heart Disease




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IPCCC Code: 10.08.34, 10.08.13, Q1.83.01


AEPC Code:    

Haemopericardium, Cardiac tamponade  - requiring drainage  

EACTS-STS Code:    

Pericardial disease, Effusive pericarditis (Pericardial effusion), Hemopericardium, Pericardial disease, Cardiac tamponade  

Definition:  NA

Common Synonyms: NA






This is a post-operative 2D video clip of an echocardiogram in a patient that has undergone an Arterial Switch Operation a few hours previously.  The patients is hypotensive and with tamponade physiology.  Note the significant fluid that surrounds the heart, and most importantly, the almost complete collapse of the left atrium with each ventilator cycle. 


Contributor: Jorge M. Giroud, MD


AWG Certification: Pending       

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