Images & Codes 


Archiving Working Group

International Society for Nomenclature of

Paediatric and Congenital Heart Disease




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IPCCC Code: 05.05.03, 04.04.13


AEPC Derived Term:    

Interatrial communication (ASD) through coronary sinus orifice (05.05.03)
Coronary sinus defect in left atrium: unroofed (04.04.13)


EACTS-STS Derived Term:    

ASD, Coronary sinus (Interatrial communication [ASD] through coronary sinus orifice), With unroofed coronary sinus communicating with LA (05.05.03, 04.04.13)


ICD10 Derived Term:    

Atrial septal defect (Q21.1)


Definition:  NA

Common Synonyms:  NA






Modality: Anatomic specimen

Orientation: Left atrial view

Description: The posterior wall of the left atrium has been dissected showing two separate atrioventricular connections, the yellow dots illustrating the atrial septum between the tricuspid (TV) and mitral (MV) valves. The red dots illustrate the unroofed coronary sinus, the upper portion near the entrance of the persistent left superior caval vein (PLSCV) to the left atrium. The defect that borders the red and yellow dots illustrates the position of the interatrial communication at the coronary sinus. There is a patent oval fossa (POF) and the posterior inferior portion of the flap valve is deficient. The pulmonary veins (PV) enter the left atrium in the usual fashion. The inferior caval vein (ICV) drains to the right atrium.

Contributor: Diane Spicer, BS

Institution: The Congenital Heart Institute of Florida (CHIF)

Image Label: A050503-8a

Source of Image: Van Mierop Archive, University of Florida, Gainesville, FL

Image Certification: 5 March 2011

AWG Rating:






AWG Certification: 5 March 2011

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