Images & Codes 


Archiving Working Group

International Society for Nomenclature of

Paediatric and Congenital Heart Disease




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IPCCC: 05.01.04, 05.04.02


AEPC Derived Term:    

Filigreed network of venous valves (Chiari)(05.01.04)

Atrial septal defect (ASD) within oval fossa (secundum)(05.04.02)


EACTS-STS Derived Term:    

Atrial abnormality, RA abnormality, Filigreed network of venous valves (Chiari) (Chiari network)(05.01.04)

ASD, Secundum (05.04.02)


Definition:  pending

Common Synonyms:  pending






Modality: Anatomic specimen

Orientation: Right atrial view

Description: This anterior, anatomic view of a morphologically right atrium demonstrates a septum secundum atrial septal defect through a window that has been cut along the anterior aspect. The flap valve of the oval fossa is absent. The coronary sinus is in its usual position with fenestrations of the Thebesian valve, consistent with a mild Chiari network.

Contributor: Diane Spicer, BS

Institution: The Congenital Heart Institute of Florida (CHIF)

Image Label: A050104-75a

Source of Image: Van Mierop Archive, University of Florida, Gainesville, FL

Image Certification: pending

AWG Rating: pending





AWG Page Certification: pending      

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